
Man of the Month – Stefan van der Sluys – CEO of Best Global Logistics Thailand


There are no limitations for women, only what you think by yourself

Interview with Stefan van der Sluys
CEO of Best Global Logistics Thailand and President of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce.


What is your general advice for women striving for an international career in Thailand?

My advice would be to show courage and initiative in the work and improve your communication skills which are needed on top level management.

What is most challenging for you, being “The Boss” of Thai women? Actually not so many challenges with female colleague managers in Thailand.

Remain equally respectful and polite helps me to have ongoing good relationships with the colleagues.

Do you apply the same style in managing your male and female staff members?

It would be great if one does not have to change style however in the real world this is the case and it is not so bad, men and women interpret things differently.

What kind of changes did you create / would you create that made / would make your female staff members happier at work?

The Objective is to have a clean, safe and practical working environment and to have the female manager/directors have a clear saying in the office decoration helped me a lot. The work/life balance is to be in order so female employees can also support and have time the family and friends.

Are these changes different from those created for male staff?

The male staff maybe benefitted from the work culture and environment created.

What are the differences you see between your male+female teamwork Bangkok compared to what you have experienced in your home country Holland?

In my home country the Transport industry is mainly dominated by male employees in all levels traditionally. Some financial or sales positions are taken up by women. It seems harder, due to this, for female staff to move up in their career. In Thailand the female employees are by far better or more affinity as administrators and in our industry we have not yet made much progress to reduce the administration & paperwork side. Computer skills are more or less equal between male & female I would say.

In your opinion, what are the outstanding characters or capabilities that a successful business woman must have in your industry?

Besides in-depth knowledge and solid experience, a healthy dose of energy/stamina as we not so much work from 9 to 5. Good at problem solving due to high risk of disruptions each day and finally good interpersonal skills.

What could be the limitations for women to become successful at work?

I think there are no limitations, only what you think by yourself.

Would you consider yourself as a supporter of female Career development?

My company is a clear proof of this with the women to man ratio is clearly in favor of women.

What would be the Do’s and Don’ts for business women in Holland?

The do’s and don’t in Holland are to stay professional in every aspect and not to use an overdose of female charm to reach one’s objectives. Be outspoken as this is part of Dutch culture. Don’t take credit for other people’s achievements.

What are the reasons that your BGL team is almost 100% female?

As mentioned in Thailand it is shown that for office work the females are more interested in such positions and time management and control the administration side of the work. It looks like a natural development for BGL to have a vast majority of female employees as every level in the company. I like working with women in Thailand like I found elsewhere in S.E.Asia.

You are President of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce – how many Members of the NTCC have female CEOs?

I do not know the exact number but I expect this to be in the range of 15. Overall a clear minority still regretfully although my personal expectations maybe that this will change overtime with so many talented managers around.

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